happy birthday eu chen~ don't know you'll see this or not. anyway, typing these words here because jie jie shy to tell you face to face.
My baby brother is now someone half-a-head taller than me, half-a-size thinner than me, and half-a-tone darker than me. A total contrast to the baby where I used to carry in my arms, little and tiny, chubby and round, fair with rosy cheek. Yes the baby was him. He was the cutest baby I've ever met. He melted everyone around him easily when he smiled and giggled.
Within a blink of eye, he is already 16 years old. A teenager and adult-to-be.
Happy Sweet 16. You're a very lucky boy, borned in a happy family where everyone loves you very much. Do remember always that we love you. That's how all the extra concerns, complaints and advices come to you. Maybe sometimes you do not like it, but in the end that's all for your own good. And that's what made you healthy physically and mentally. I'm very glad that you took most of the advices.
Comparing my 16 years old and your 16 years old, you're way more mature than how I was. One similiarity I can think of is w
What we are hoping is you will become someone with high social value. My definition of high social value is someone able to contribute to his family, responsible to his parents and make changes to the society. Not certainly rich or powerful (by doing filthy things.)
This photo was taken when he is 12 years old. I felt that it's just yesterday.
I actually have blur memories of him during from his 7 years old to 15 years old. Maybe that time I was busy with my own stuff because I was in my teenage-hood. I was trying to remember our memories during that time but I can't really picture something in my mind.
Anyway, we surprised him with a cake after he came back from tuition and sang happy birthday loudly and cheerfully! (look at my dad, hahaha, so kua chiong!)
Although after the song he said something unrelevant to the surprise but I know you're very happy. Shy to express your feelings mah.
Happy Birthday my boy! Enjoy your sweet 16 !!!!
(thank you for being sooooo nice and caring to my rabbits!)
his birthday was on 3rd August 2010. Posting this ahead of other post (actually it's 2 days late and today is my hot mama's birthday!) I am very lazy to blog lately!!!! Follow my twitter or facebook is even better! Trust me I have more than 10 drafted post and they're still in draft! I have no intention to continue them. GAH. I really hope this week the blogging mood will be back. As many bithdays and events happened. The post to be written is piling up! I actually forcing myself to blog constantly because I want to, at least, keep something going on. Not because I thought people want to read my blog. Nothing nice to read in my blog as this blog will not be something revealing my personal feelings directly. Only blog about happy things, emo emo stuff only came out once in a blue moon.
Small milestone
1 year ago
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