I supposed most of you have watched the FrequenC concert's trailer - Love Evolution ;)
Here's all the so called actors and actresses in the video.
Interested with anyone in it? hahaha I can do the introduction.
Everyone of them are members of FrequenC except Lynette, Chan Fai & Jasmine Pang!
(There's two jasmine in the crew) Thank you so much Jasmine Pang for your coorperation as I informed you about this at the very last minute, I'm glad that you're willing to help me! Thank you sister, and you did a great job!!
The concert was great even though not much showed up. Here I sincerely thank you all who made it ;)
Some snap shot during my performance, grabbed from Jasmine Lai's facebook.
Thank you Kelly for borrowing me your beautiful skirt! I am playing my cello as well in the concert, and I don't want to wear pants. So I was asking around who have bohemian skirt and it must be long and wide! Coincidently Kelly has one and she borrow it to me without hesitation!
And thank you sze shyong for fetching me all the way to Sunway to pick up the skirt ;)
I'm in the first stage, as the role I played in the trailer. The stage where you start to fall with someone, where the love is blooming, where you start to realize that particular person is outstanding even though others may not think so.
This is my partner, Mei Chi. She sang 爱情 & 我疯你. I sang 孤单心事 & 恶作剧. Our guitarist is MingHan, keyboardist is Ling Wei, and drummer is Lawrence.
Before my turn to go on stage, I keep telling myself : Nervous are just adrenaline.
When HuiYi announced my turn, I took a deep breathe, still telling myself that line, and there I go.
Still, I can't overcome the anxious which I thought had burried deeply. It just popped out at the moment and I didn't bring out the best. *sigh*
Overall the concert was, of course, great. We got a lot of positive comments and complements.
Unfortunately we did not record the whole concert down!! Everything best are in our memories.
At the end of the day :: EVERYONE! (except for some who left earlier)
The following Friday, FrequenC is invited to join F.E.E.L. I am not sure who is the organizer as I only know Mun Kuan and her gang =D
It is an event for you to feel 5 sense. Sight, Hearing, Taste, Smell and Touch.
We are performing songs so I guess we're in Hearing.
In sight, they turned off all the lights and turned on the UV lights so that everything in white or luminous will glooooow.
Just like the flower on mk,
The white butterflies,
Our wrist band,
FrequenC t-shirt,
lastly, Douglas and Yuna.
Some snapshots while we're practicing outside the venue :
Our guitaris, Mr Ong Chia Wei,
Our cutie keyboardist, Yuna Yew
Our vocalist Mr. Indra
Both of them
And another vocalist, Mr Douglas. *can you spot me?*

There's a band - Beat The System performing as well, and they're practically the climax of the night (before I left) because they rocks!
Zlwin Chew the illutionist did some tricks that made us gasped in surprise.
And then Melvin Lim the beatboxer!
Another part that I enjoyed is where they choose 5 audience and they have to dance with the music played. hahaha. I love the first girl ;)
Read more about F.E.E.L by clicking here.
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