Hey hey ho ho! Lack of updates lately and I have loads of things I want to blog!
First is Gary Chaw's Fans meeting, then Zee Avi's Showcase, then FrequenC concert, then F.E.E.L, then college, then my rabbits, then.. what else huh... I know there's alot lah!
Sadly my enthusiasm towards blogging had decreased since my previous memory card died and lotsa memorable pictures are gone temporarily!! Dont feel like writing blog post as no picture to post.
I had been very busy this few weeks and finally took a break last weekend and went back to Kuantan. All 3 assignments in Business Law, Marketing and Management Accounting are done and handed up. Hereby I wanna say a BIG thank you to all my groupmates and who helped me (if you're reading this, you know who you are!)
So anyway, I'll still blog about Gary Chaw Fans Meeting with the photos on hand (and grabbed from facebook!)
Took this before I depart from my hostel ;) Ee Loe with the chubby face!
I am Gary Chaw's fans since the I heard the very first song of his "笑我笨" and Superwoman.
Amazed by his vocal plus he is a Malaysian, I know this guy is going to be someone great.
And he did! His made his names known in everywhere that listens to Chinese songs. After the first debut to the world, he start winning prizes in all music award, and counting!
His future is as bright as sun. Two years ago, he won the Best Male Vocal in the Golden Music Award Taiwan, which is something comparable to Grammy's Award in the music industry. And followed by world tour concert. 8 years ago, he was nobody.
I went to his very first concert in Malaysia and I was again, blew away by his
In 2 years time, to the public, he lived in a scandalous life (get married and got a son, and the street fight with Justin Loh) and he gets less and less supporter as his image went negative.
But still, I ignored all these because I know who am I supporting. The guy who touched my heart with his voices and musics, the talented guy who compose his own songs which hits all the charts, the guy who loves his cat, his wife and his baby boy.
The fans meeting is held at Pavilion Red Box and I forgot to count how many members joined. We celebrated the Gary Friend Club 4th Anniversary as well ;)
The first thing I got there is to look for Karin, as she registered this whole thing for me and my tee shirt is with her!
Changed the shirt, written on that "I'm A Chawer." I dont really understand what it means but i think is something like we are gary chaw's supporter, am I right?
Finally I settled down myself at the table with my lunch, i saw someone very familiar sitting opposite me. Very, very, very familiar. Someone im seeing frequently.
Think think think and the answer popped up!
The girl who is in the same class with me and also stays in hostel.
But wait, isn't she a Korean?! What is she doing here? She is Malaysian ??!
I waved to her, she recognized me as I look familiar too so I approached her and talked to her.
Appears that she was born in Kota Kinabalu but moved to Taiwan since she was young. She attended international school in taiwan and come back to Malaysia to study in HELP UC to transfer to UQ. This young lady's name is Joanne and she isn't a korean. -.-
The long, silky black hair, clean face and tall body misled me.
Finally Gary Chaw arrived and he brought some friends too. I dont know any of them besides his sister and brother-in-law. There's a pixie face lady in turqoise blue dress, she is pretty and charming, we was told that she is a host in TVB, but, why I never see her before huh? Probably news reporter.
Gary Chaw sang, talked, played, signed autograph and took pictures with every single people here. Did I told you that he is very friendly to his fans? He is always appreciate with what he has now - career, family, friends, and us. That's why we are still here, supporting him!

Got this polaroid photos and placed it in my purse as if he is my bf -.-
See, he is so generous, showing his cleavage to me.

Oh, don't blame him for wearing the sun glasses, he went for a eye cosmetic surgery and he doesn't look good at all without the shades. Like this better and cool.
I have photos of karin looking very happy and excited, photos with other GFC members, photos with Gary's sister, photos with the host and lastly, lots of candid shot of Gary Chaw. Unfortunately they are all in the corrupted, yet to be fixed memory card so, yea, I'll just stop here until I retrieve the photos.
1 friends commented:
Hi, i got here from google image. saw joanne's pic and i clicked to read the blog.
i like the paragraph where u wrote "But still, I ignored all these because I know who am I supporting. The guy who touched my heart with his voices and musics, the talented guy who compose his own songs which hits all the charts, the guy who loves his cat, his wife and his baby boy."
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