Thursday, January 21, 2010


A normal human being drops around 50 hairs per day.

There's two girls with long hairs in my room.

In my room, if 50x2 = 100 ++.

Both of us are having some hair loss because of excess food additives consumed.

We wash our hair everyday, after that we blow, which will accidentaly breaks our hairs, and we comb. And eventually more than 100s of hairs dropped.

Our room's floor tiles is in white colour so everything is very visible (not joking! I can see sands!).

So can you imagine how hairy our floor IS?

We have to vacuum our floor every single day!
If not the floor will be flooded with hairs. And sometimes both of us are lazy and no one wants to vacuum, so we'll just leave it there, and second day morning, she'll washes and blows her hair, and then my turn to do so, after that, limited space of floor will be filled by HAIRS.

While writing this I am thinking about the horrible scene I saw this morning and, I don't feel comfortable with it. Menggelikan, im going to puke! -.-

Is there any way to get rid of all the hairs besides vacuum it everyday? Oh, there's a big carpet in my room so we can't sweep.

1 friends commented:

Jacklicious said...

erm... ee loe... i think there is way.... buy conditioners and hair improvement shampoos from the pharmacies and hope it works on u... it would help the lost of ur hairs... and if it still continues... then u can go to 1utama's shop where they sell the robot sweeper that runs and bang around in ur room.. it would collect all the hair... and in the end of the year... i think u could make wigs out of it.. hahaha