Thursday ~ Friday
AWwwwh, I am going to miss her so much lah!
Goh Harn Wei is the friend I see and meet the most after STPM!
and we both developed a hobby during this free time -> Mahjong!!!!
We are somehow addicted and play it twice per week or stimes thrice.
Mahjung is super fun and relaxing!
It is recommended to all elders to play because it can prevent Alzheimer. We play it earlier to avoid Alzheimer in early ages. crap!
One more thing to clarify, we don't play with cash or gamble! We do play with chips but after the game, we didn't cash the chips.
It is a healthy game for us.
We spent time on mahjung and we think that is better than yc because yc have to pay, mahjong? pay petrol $ or snacks nia.
That night, x-er (she is leaving at august. sad!) , harn wei , & I , had a mahjong marathon from 11.30pm till 7am!!
don worry, we aren't that tough. We took a short break in between for harn wei to do final packing.
One of the craziest thing I've ever done.
around 5am, I visited, read about news of Indonesia banned to export housemaids to Malaysia, then glance around the website.
On my left little corner, I saw a title "Michael Jackson died at the age of 50."
I ignored it because rumours of death of famous people are always coming out and it is impossible for MJ to die at that time.
X-er pursued me to click on the link, i clicked and read.
Eyes rolling big, I said :"HAR?! Serious ke?"
Quickly I went to and I saw a red banner writing :

I wasn't a fans of him but I can't deny his power and impact to the music industry!
How can he die now?! I thought he have a 50 concerts coming?
He will disappoint millions of fans out there!
Someone out there, please tell me the news is fake!!!
Too bad, tmz & cnn confirmed the news. ouch....
I've prepared for the floods of MJ news in coming days & probably, weeks.
From newspaperss to websites, from radios to TV channels, from cars to malls, I will be listening & seeing Michael Jackson all the time.

Her mom woke up, surprised to see us there then she laughed and said this is what we call 分秒必争!
After a breakfast at her house, I said goodbye to harn wei with hugs and wishes!
Im sorry to other friends who is also leaving on friday for not meeting them. See you after few months k?
Went home around 7.30am & sleep till afternoon.
As I've mentioned, the rest of my days is full of Michael Jackson's songs and his news.
I had Michael Jackson phobia during my childhood. I remember my parent showing me "Thriller" music videos where a lot of horrible zombies dancing in it, it frightened me and I cried terribly.
Since that, my dad trying to tell me how great was Michael Jackson's dance especially the moonwalker, (he always try it at home), but I still refuse to watch any videos of him.
Besides that, he will talk to me how bad is MJ's speech when he got an award.
He will say : I wanna thank you my father, my mother, my bro, my sis, my (every of his relatives).
Dad is now still curious why a super star like him cannot prepare a better speech to thanks people who actually helped him to get that award.
The main point of his telling this story to us is he hope we will able to talk delicately and give nice speech in future.
R.I.P MJ, I will remember you for sure and tell your story to my children of how amazing you are.

(Until now, I am still hoping his death is fake. He is actually still alive, hiding somewhere, pretend to die just to escape the world or probably he is now living with another ID, not MJ anymore, that was his past.)
I brought Baby Ponyo to spay!
She look normal and active when I go pick her up but after the vet put on the collar for her, she refused to walk.
Vet then explain because the collar limits her sight and she's panic because cannot see anything beside her.
Later then become sad, emo and less active!
She don't understand, she did nothing wrong, why I wanna send her to an unknown place, and let stranger cut her stomach!
Recover soon k baby ponyo?
For your info, she is now staying with my auntie and her family.
I am glad she is with her because she and her family love her so much!
As I saw, they treated her like their little daughter.
I cannot provide a happy home for her, but I found one for her.
Isn't it great?
I went to get my 2nd dose of cervical cancer vaccination injection. The last dose will be after 5 months.
Afternoon, mom fetch me back to kL. She & limiki stayed overnight in my room.
Evening, we went to Bangsar ViIIage and had our dinner at delicious.
Limiki suggested it coz she want my mom to try their food.
We then walk around, did some shopping and I bought a LBD from G2000.
Hope I can wear it for presentation xD
U know what? I did last-minute packing, and I forgot to bring back my sport shoe and some important stuff.
Lesson learned : No more last-minute packing.
Oh one more thing! Finally I get my IC & driving license done this week!
I am so satisfied with JPJ because they processed my license in 6 minutes, and they are open everyday!
Now I dont have to be afraid of road blocks, and I am no more ID-less!
So that's all for my weekend!
Finally, student of 1989 batch had officially seperate.
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