
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Terrible Eye Sore & My Studies

My left eye is as red as monster's when I woke up yesterday morning, luckily it is not itchy & pain.
Minutes after that, I can feel my bones are aching and heavy and flu has attacked me.

This worried me whether I was infected by the popular H1N1 or not.

Nonetheless, I still put on my contact lens even though my eye is irritated. I knew that was not a good decision because the infection may caused my contact lens. But I just can't wear my spec to school because it wasn't in good condition.
Last week, I had a bad night. I can't sleep at all. I turn left and right on my beds for nth times and I was unaware that I pushed my spec off my bed and it drop on the floor.
After an hour of turning, I decided to get up.
Once I get up, I stepped on my spec, and my spec is bended after receiving a huge weight.
I picked up my spec and said "Shit!". I can't even open and wear it.
Next day, I brought it to the optician and she tried her best to bend it back. Still, it was super awkward as it is imbalance on both sides. Guess Im going to get a new spec.

In college, my darling classmates is concerned about me. They asked me the reason and gave me a lot of advices! Even scolded me for wearing contact lens just because I don't wanna look weird.

After school, I posted a update in twitter about my condition and asked what symptoms is that.
Certainly I don't hope for any answer since posting updates is only for sharing, not for answers.

Today, my eyes is still badly sore but thank god my flu has gone away.
I went to the pharmacy and found out it is caused by dryness or maybe bacteria infection.
Again, I was scolded for wearing contact lens.
So I ended up buying 2 types of eye drop.

Now the fluids are flowing down to my throat. It is soooo bitter.
Although I've drank a lot of waters, the bitterness is still there!

Okay, I will take care =D


I believe most of you all know that I didn't take account since form 4 and now Im taking financial accounts!
It is a must-take subject since I am going to major in finance.


I don't know anything and I don't have basic.

Have to work very hard for this subject!

so now I declare my ACCOUNT WAR starts now!

STEP 1 : Study & Revice Account every weekdays!
STEP 2 : Do more exercise and practise how to prepare accounts sheet.
Mission : Do not fail this subject.

As for Business IT & Management, the lecturers are so boring and dull, and this makes me slightly neglect both subjects and more focus on others.
But I know I have to score for both of the subjects so that I won't have to retake and deal with this two lecturer again!

Lastly, I love Economics. It is so interesting.

2 friends commented:

MeiFang said...

aiyo,u better take care of ur eye ler, my sis ever get the bacteria infection, and my fren also cz wearing the contact lens too long time,get bacteria infection then gonna opearation, but lucky now ok ler, she still ever wear 1 eye only, zha dao.
anyway. must take great care. if i there also wll scold u too, haha.
so now u study at help right? taking finance course?

LynnToh said...

Account is just not my thing. Good luck, is all I can say to you.. =S

and oh, take good care of yourself. Hope you will recover soon =)