Friday, October 21, 2011

Pink Ribbon Day

Hey there, is everyone feeling alright??????!!!!!!!

That's the first line of my character in the theater play that I'm taking part that will be performing on Citra Malaysia Brisbane 2011 at 22nd October (which is tomorrow!) I've been practice with the team for more than a month and it's time to show! Although it's a 25 minute short sketch (just fine for the whole team! It's everyone's first!), but we've been practicing since August!

As I've been active in small minor performance, I strongly agree with that statement. Months of practice is to present the best on the day.

Alright, back to my topic.

Jia Hui invited me join her to volunteer for Pink Ribbon Campaign by the Cancer Council.

My shift is 21st October 7am to 9am at one of the city busiest spot - Anzac Square Park.
We arrived there nearly 7am and help to set up this little booth :

Some of the PINK merchandises - Pens, Key Rings, Luggage Tags...

This campaign is kinda big as there's a lot of small pink booth spread across the city for days.

These are the adorable PINK bears!
They're the best sellers! At first I thought key rings or pink ribbon brooch will sell the most but the bears is sold out.

Which bear you like? The super heroin bear or sleepy bear?

Me & 2 of the workers that work with the society, Jason & Amanda.

The crowd.
That location is very strategic as it's at the exit of one of the city busiest railway station, so everyone that comes out from there will see us. Somemore we're all in pink and catch their attention rightaway.

This is the exit at Anzac Square.

It was a chilly and windy morning, and there's this street performer that blows the jazz saxophone at the exit too. Nice weather and my favourite music made the morning so beautiful.

Beautiful key rings!

Honestly, I'm pretty amazed by the charity awareness in this city. Even though the bear cost AUD10, they buy it without second thought. They're generous and willing to stop by our booth to check out what is it. Like only 5% of them avoid eye contact with us. They feel happy that we greeted them and they are willing to do something to the society.

Usually a big pink booth won't attract the gentlemen. Surprisingly, there's alot of male stopped by and bought the ribbons! Some of them bought the bear!
There's this guy, after he bought a bear, before he left he said : My mom died in breast cancer.
And I'm like omg so sad to hear that!! I almost cry but I'm rational enough to hold the tears.

Not only the family members of cancer patients are aware of the importance of these charity society, normal citizens are very generous when comes to this.
Just AUD10 from your earnings and you may help to change someone's life.

I shall involve myself with more charity jobs!

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