Monday, October 24, 2011


MASCAT means Malaysia Student Council of Australia Troupe. Not 100% sure but I guess what that's mean.

Last Saturday I joined MASCAT Theater and performed a short sketch for Citra Malaysia 2011 Brisbane. To be frank, I totally have no idea at all what Citra Malaysia is until the day before. My bad because I never pay attention to what's going on.

I got a role as 'Baby' that's the name of the character which is a lousy F class contractor but got the job because she paid the YB. Childish and attention seeker is what I gotta bring out.

It started few months ago, I saw a post on UQMSA's page (NOTE: UQMSA is UQ Malaysia Student Association) by Chris saying they want volunteer for their theater group. As I'm always interested in plays and musical stuff, and had some experience, so no harm joining!
I can be anything, I guess.

This theater group is lead by Rahmat,
At first I was worry because I don't know 99% of them and no idea what's coming.
Later I found out ET & Pei Wern is joining, which is good as I won't feel uncomfortable with people that I just know.

Get along with everyone after months of practice and I'm pretty impressed with their abilities!

The title of the sketch is Asylum, and the characters are patients of a psychotic patients.
As mentioned above, I'm Baby, ET as a police, and Pei Wern did the sound effects.

The day before the performance, we went to Kelvin Grove QUT for a full dress rehearsal. That's the first time I see all the performers and find out what Citra Malaysia really is.

A photo of most of the performers. Spot me?

I reached the venue around 7.30am, was late as there's only a few mins slot for us to do technical run.

The venue is King George Square, which is one of the busiest spot in the city.

One of the amazingly talented dancer.

Our play started at 2.30pm and it's about 20mins.

Grabbed this photo fr Nabila's fb :
I love the interaction between P1&P2 which is played by Azfar & Chris. They were amazing!!

This is a photo of the actors on stage.

The group ;)

Last but not least, my childish school girl look ;)
Yes I applied thick blusher and brows.

Big thank you to all the friends that came to support us! Eunice even brought flowers for us ;)

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