Dear wisdom tooth,
When are you going to stop causing pain to me? Because you're growing, you caused my gums swell and of course, pain.
For many days I had to eat with my right side teeth and the problem is, my right side face is already bigger than the left side, now eating with right side means it'll harden the jaw muscle which makes it even worse.
Because of this pain, I stayed at home all day long during my holidays and less outgoing. I even feel lazy, upset and pathetic. I'm always a talkative in front of harn wei, because of you, I talk less to her these days.
I don't want to smile because when smiling, two muscle on the cheeks is pulled and my up and down teeth have to join together, the swollen gums will contact with other gums and causing me unwanted pain.
It is really,really,really discomforting.
The pain you gave me makes me have less appetite because I cannot chew hard and crunchy food, I cannot eat fast, and I cannot eat much. I took really little of food on each meal and ended up being hungry all the day. I can't even take biscuit. I have to mashed the tofu with my tongue and teeth, I have to chew the vege with snail speed, I have to eat the chicken wings at the speed that people finished 3 while I'm still eating my first. =(
I cannot eat my favourite peanuts, and enjoy my mom's delicious home-cooked meal.
I have to be extremely careful while I'm brushing my teeth. Extra cautious so that the bristles won't touch the swollen gums. I used to enjoy brushing my teeth but not these few days.
You gave me frequent sinus and cold, you made me feel heaty, and you made me cough.
The point is, you already gave me this trouble few months ago, I thought you already burst yourself out from the gums. Eventually you did not. Hence you're still there giving me all these unreasonable pain.
I googled home remedy of decreasing wisdom tooth pain.
There are few solutions. First one is cutting one slice of lemon and put it on the swollen gums. Second, one cloves of garlic and some salt. Yea I tried both, and non of it working, instead causing me an instant utterly horrible pain!
My fault of not visiting the dentist because I hate going to dentist like everyone else. I'm afraid of lying there, open my mouth big wide then the dentist insert a long stick with mirror, found some defects then insert another stick to poke my teeth then OUCH! It hurts so much!!
That's my phobia to dentist.
See, that's why I hate you, wisdom tooth, if you failed to grow out again this time, I have to visit the dentist for getting you out.
I wonder why people had easy experience on wisdom tooth while I don't.
No one will understand how I feel.
Who TH named you WISDOM???
Depressed Ee Loe.
Small milestone
1 year ago
6 friends commented:
Hey.. :) I understand how you feel.. My wisdom tooth is growing too now.. :( On the both side and it hurts like OUCH.. Mine was on and off pain.. When it hurts, i dun even feel like eating. :) Anyways, take care.
i hate the name too
well, on the bright side (or the stranger side), pain = alive.
try some antibiotic... I just got over with it this time.. but still, haven't decide to plug it out yet.
Cheers, mate.
Little Angle :: Thank you! You too take care!! We both know how pain and inconvenient it is!!!
Catherine :: eeeee, your wisdom teeth finish growing out?
gloomy day rain :: yea you're right. Think positive! If the tooth didn't affect your other teeth, don't have to plug right???
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