I conquered Broga Hills three weeks ago!
Broga Hills, a place that I heard about it so frequently within this year. Known for it's spectacular greenness view up above the hill, eventually it become one of the hot spot for fellow photography lovers.
ET texted us asking we're interested to hike Broga Hills or not. Cool, why shouldn't we go?
I've seen nice picture taken by friends, it doesn't looks like any place in Malaysia, plus I'm now in holiday, instead of hanging around the mall, why not we go and absorb positive energy from the nature. I didn't any reasons of why I shouldn't go =)
taken by xiaoxiao

We...er...we as in ET, Jimmy, Catherine, Teresa, Xiao Xiao & Ee Loe. They're my college buddies. =) Sadly Soo Yee can't make it because she has to finish her assignment, but in some way she went with us. That red bag pack is hers =)
Woke up at 4am and met up with them around 5am.
Started our journey early in dawn, ET is the driver, and Jimmy is the helper.
After about 50 minutes we reached our destination! Located not far away from Nottingham University, the entrance of Broga Hill is very obscure. Hidden in a palm oil farm. I didn't realize that we reached there till ET made a turn into the farm. Surprisingly there's alot of cars there and parked in between oil palm trees. The sky is still dark. When ET off his car's engine, omg, I can't see anything at all! We're in total darkness! Not a single light or lamp post there! what the *toot*. trying to keep everything original ke?
That moment I started to regret of coming here, I'm quite fear of dark, especially when I don't even know what is ahead us. And I have this mindset that there's a lot of 'dirty things' in palm tree farm because I always read murder cases or body dumped cases in oil palm tree farm. And we only have 2 medium torchlights!!! I'm too naive that I thought it is easy to hike like Bukit Pelindung -.-
Catherine hold my hand, comforted me and she ask me to keep close to her. awwww, so I followed her back like how chicks follow the hen.
Alright, so no photos are taken on the way up because it was narrow, muddy, slippery, challenging (to me), and some trails are sandy and wet, some don't even look like you can walk on, big stone here and there, and STEEP.
You have to be very focus or else you will.....slip and fall.
ET keep groaning :"My friend lied to me, it wasn't easy!" Pity him and Jimmy, have to take care 4 girls and to carry few heavy backpack.
Like finally we reached the first peak. heehee, Ee Loe is a tough girl. Don't need much help and have sufficient energy!
The sky turned dark blue instead of black and we can still see lots of stars.
Oh ya, the air is magnificently fresh up there. Rich O2 and zero pollution.

Sun rising from the east, torchlights are no longer needed, everything is getting clear in sight.
Alot of people reached there and waiting for the sun rise.

Cat and I went up to the 2nd peak and woah, there's so many DSLR there with tripod.

More pics ...

Took this from a higher spot! Can you spot Teresa? or Jimmy? or ET? and maybe Xiao Xiao because she's much smaller =x

Housing area.

We brought bread and tuna spread along! So Jimmy made sandwiches for us! Oh I think this is the first time I mention Jimmy in my blog. I get to know him more few days before this. And surprisingly, he is one of the funniest guy I've ever known! He made us laugh all the time.
Sometimes he is sissy, sometimes he can be very macho (when protecting us while we're hiking). And he is ET's best buddy in HELP I guess.
Jimmy & ET.

Catherine & Teresa

Broga Hill is also named as Bukit Lalang as the main tumbuhan growing up there are lalang~
One of my favourite ;)
Interestingly enough, all the plants here are small and low. A total contrast to what we've went through on the way up - tall bushy trees that the leaves covering the sky and also some small ferns.
I like this one too.
While I'm going through the photos I've taken with my digital cam, I realized I took a lot photos of Xiao Xiao taking photo. Interesting isn't it? Here's a few.
She started taking pics while it's still dark.

As I mentioned before, ET never want to pose normally. If you view Xiao Xiao's album in Facebook, you'll see the photos that she took while Im taking this.

And also this. The caption is stg like Jimmy gonna protect Teresa.

Besides Xiao Xiao, I took Teresa too,
o.o Siapa ini?

And also ET.
Grabbed from Xiao Xiao's album. She did the same thing on me too!

What's Catherine doing down there?!

First shot *

Second shot *

Third shot *

And *ehem* *ehem* ET what are u trying to do ...?

We trying to match them together.
hahaha. One is a girl in man's body, another one is boy in woman's body. Is this description appropriate??

ET & Cat, looking romantic here.

Muh shadow. Which indicates that I'm facing west.

Here's a friendly reminder of what you should bring ::
1. Torchlight if you're coming before daybreak
2. Camera you will want to take down everything within your sight
3. Towel confirm you'll sweat alot
4. Water can die if you dont bring it
5. Snack must take breakfast before you start the journey, and some snack in case you gets hungry or needs to recharge. bring some isotonic drinks e.g 100plus.
6. Sport shoes or very comfortable shoe. or else you will not able to walk for the next few days if you wear slippers
7. Mosquito repellent YOU MUST BRING THIS!!!
Okay, things is like this. I thought I've put the repellent into my backpack who knows I left it and went Broga Hills without it. And so the nightmare started.
I ended up being delicious food of mosquitoes. My arms are juicy and fat, so I guess the mosquitoes favours that, somemore my blood type is O, it worsen the situation!
On the way up and down, I was followed and attacked by few big swarms of mosquitoes. Gosh, i even felt im immune to mosquitoe bites. don't feel itchy at all.
I really wanna say a big thank you to Catherine and Jimmy for helping me to chase them away!
This is just part of it. My arms are full of the bite marks!

More pics ::

The way Jimmy speaks to us is funnily enough, and the way he pose?! We can't stop laughing at him.


We didn't end up watching a beautiful sun rise. The hills blocked the view and the sun already rose high when we saw it. However, I appreciate so much of what I've seen here.
Time to go home!!

from xiao xiao

It's so tough to go up, how to come down T_T This is one of the easiest, as we're still able to take photo.

ET reaching his hand out to assist me after Catherine.

In my expectation, I slipped and fell. Fortunately it doesn't hurt, just some minor cuts and stick on handiplast will do.
All of us =)

Success ! =)

Not forget to take one instant photo ~
Pretty enjoyed even though the trek wasn't as smooth as I thought.
The view up there wasn't that stunning, yet it was pleasant.
Maybe I'll visit here again? Maybe not.
What I love the most is the nature escapade from the busy and hectic city lifestyle =)

Click to Xiao Xiao's Album in Facebook.
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