Our very dear friend, ET, brought Soo Yee aka Arkarri Lee to this delicate restaurant which is owned by his sister's ex roommate's family. She is married to an American so the family got the recipe and came out with this restaurant.
On the way ET was telling about this restaurant :" I like their food, their mashed potatoes is awesome, my favourite, a lot of people go there, they serve porks ...."
Alllright, let's see how nice the food are !
I think we went there during March but I have no time to write it so it was delayed till now!
Don't know where it is located until somewhere very familiar came into our sight. I was told we're somewhere in Kelana Jaya. Soo Yee, Rebecca and I used to lost in this area because we wanted to go to Full House. Soo Yee was driving, we can't get the direction and eventually passed by this place for don't know how many times.
So here we are! Betty's Midwest Kitchen!
Betty, hmmmph, a cute name and when think of the name Betty, girls with thick spec, freckles, curly and messy hair came into my mind. Just like how ugly betty looks.
Was pretty surprised to see every table filled up and not a single seat is empty. Everyone looked so happy and satisfied.
We'll have to wait to be seated. There's chairs prepared for customers to wait!
Soo Yee studied the menu while waiting as she was very hungry!
As usual, ET never look normal in photos. ET what, something from outer space.
From outside, we can see the it is homely decorated. Warm yellow lightnings is the key. And also wooden table and floor. You'll have a very casual and relaxing dinning experience here.
On the left, the wall is filled with cute piggy pictures. Which obviously tells us they're serving pork, as nice as how the pictures are! Poor piggy. Looking cute in the photos but ended up delicious on the plate.
On the left, chocolate colour wall and pictures of names of different states in US are hung. Such as "Illnois", "Nebraska" and "Iowa"
Hand-written menu ! Always for what you can't find on the menu. And you can always find this in restaurant that serves nice food!
We're lucky enough that we got our table in a short while, about 5 mins.
Sat down by the table right beside the wall of piggy pictures.
The pretty waitress then handed us each a menu. I still think the waitress looked like someone from HELP.
Pretty babe over here waiting for her pretty food!
This one looks more normal than the previous one.
ET went for pork ribs, I went for Jucy Lucy, Soo Yee on diet went for soup. We also ordered Pig In A Blanket and dessert Apple Crumble.
Soup always come first !Not bad, tasty, appetizing and filling!
ET's pork ribs. I had one small bite, barely remember how it taste like, juicy plus abit of sweetness, but I know it was good.
About the mashed potato ET highly recommended? It was so damn good! One of the best I've ever eaten.
The moment I put it into my mouth, I went like, mmmmmmmmh with eyes rolling it just melts like ice cream! The texture is extraordinary creamy and so smooth! Only it is warm. Plus the greasy sauce, perfection!
I wonder how many times they mashed it till it becomes like this.
When you're there, be sure you ask for their mashed potato!
Oh, it wasn't featured in the menu, so you'll have to ask them to change the fries to mashed potato! Don't go there can't find it on the menu and come back :"Ee loe they aren't serving that!" =)
This is Pig In A Blanket. It's just so good! When it was served, the bacon smelled so great and got Soo Yee very excited with it.
When biting it, I felt the skin cracked and followed by the soft-densed meat, and the smell of cooked bacon immediately invades and occupies your mouth. Another nice one.
What was ET telling Soo Yee?
She's looking pathetic here because she stuffed the whole sausage into her mouth and unable to chew gently like a lady.
Well in the end they didn't serve the Jucy Lucy to me as they made a mistake. I love to try it as I see there's one on almost every table and it looks freaking delicious! Unfortunately I'm way too full after the soup, whole bowl of mashed potato and the pig in a blanket, so I'll just have to cancel the order. Perhaps next time? I'll sure have you Jucy Lucy!
Lastly, Apple Crumble. Big portion, not surprising but satisfying ;)
See~ Every single plates and bowls were emptied!
ET & Soo Yee ~
3 of us ! *peace V*
Can you spot Soo Yee here ?
Awesome food, reasonable price, good service, I can't see any reason why they are not famous. Unlike usual western restaurant that we always visit, this one is a must-come!
I'd love to go there again, and this time for burgers or pork ribs!
Next time you go, bring me along k? I do not know how to go so make sure you google map first xD
This restaurant located in Aman Suria (somewhere around Kelana Jaya? I am not familiar with the place) or you can visit their website for more info!
After that, we still have time so we went over BSC to visit Reetha.
Saw Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf has new drinks.
Cafe Latte in bottles! All nicely packed in mini milk bottle! Sho cute!!!
They have vanilla too ;)
Small milestone
1 year ago
4 friends commented:
wah... make me slurping all the way... omg... bring me and phoebe go... hahahahaha
haha aman suria! i know how to go XD i shall bring my friends there woahahhaa thanks for the info!
jack : you bring us go lah!
mk :: yes you should! the food there is really nice.
wsxwhx716 :: yes it is!
Good choice... looks American to me..
i would be doubtful if the first thing i see on the menu was Fish and Chips =)
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