Had a great 5 weeks of semester break after my second semester in HELP UC!
First few days my parents came to KL, main purpose is to attend meetings and second is to help me to pack my things back to Kuantan. I have no idea what to bring back and what to leave here, so I just take everything back. o.o
They stayed in Nikko Hotel which is walking distance from KLCC. Very coincidently Roxy & Quicksilver is doing their members day again. So I got myself a tee, a cap, a pairs of sandals, a shorts and this silver shimmering purse.
Mom bought a new purse too. Is from Coach and oh dear, look at the inner part, I just can't resist but fall in love with the purple-ish pink colour. Such a sweet and adorable colour. And I hope I can paint this colour in one of my wall ;)
5th December is the day they left and went back to Kuantan. And 5th December is also our anniversary (okay I know we broke up for months but we just ignore it).
Since we're going to Genting on the next day, so we went to Chinoz and had a simple dinner ;)
And we LOVE the pizza there, and as I've mentioned before their mushroom soup is the best I've ever had.
I had cappucino and I forgot what he took for drink.
The very next day, took a bus up to Genting and went back to Kuantan the day after than in kJ's car.
This time is the first time I go Genting with friends.
My dad told me :"Since u're going with your friend, u can't escape.This time you'll have to ride all the things like roller coaster."
Yeah, my dad is right. I had my very first roller coaster, space shot and the tunnel train.
Space shot is sooooooooo exciting!!
I wanted to escape from the queue when it was going to be my turn. But then everyone was like "Noooo, dont do this... You must try!"
So I gulped, brought out all the courages I have and played.
LUCKILY, when I was in the queue, I counted how long does it takes to come down when it reaches the top. It is about 14 second.
So when I reach the top, I counted till 14 and it DROOOOOOOOPS!
This is the most horrible thing have ever happened in my life. I dare not to open my eyes and I can't even shout! What I felt is like body and soul departed at the moment you drop.
After few ups and downs it finally ended and I told myself I will not play for the 2nd time.
Bravo Tan Wei Shin, bravo! Because he played twice in a day.
Same goes to the roller coaster, my eyes remained shut through the journey.
Now I wonder how shen yee dare to do sky diving. It'll kills me mentally.
Okay, so for the rest of the holidays im back to my home sweet home.
I took a lot of pictures of my rabbits!
I realised that I have short-term memory. I tend to forget memorable memories (contohnya, my baby law).
And I found out photo actually helps a lot for me to remember what I've done.
So this holiday, I have took a lot of pictures of things around me.
And my rabbits are one of it. Every time when I sees them, I take out my phone, take their pictures or even records them in video. ;) At least I have something to look when I miss them after they leave me.
This is Lilo, something bad happened on her, it is about her health. Sigh. It is so unhappy. Seeing my baby sick but cannot do anything to help her. Baby BitBit! Her size is now about 3/4 of Lilo! Behind her is lilo and tutu!!!
In my holiday, she had dug 2 tunnels and covered both 2 days after she built it. Have no idea why she does that, maybe it is a failure? Or just because we have discover it? Or she is a perfectism that wants her projects to be perfectly done. If is, she is a gifted architecture/enginneer ;)
This photo is how she looks like after working on the tunnel. Her pink tiny nose & legs are dirty. December is the monsoon season of Kuantan, so the rain caused the soil of my house field wet, sticky and eventually become mud.
Usually BitBit works on her tunnel project during midnight, so in the morning, I'll see a lot of tiny rabbit footprint around the wet kitchen (the place she sleeps at night) and front porch! LOL. Mom or the maid will clean it, but BitBit reprint again on the night.
Sometimes Mom got fed-up on cleaning the muddy footprints and she made me do that.
And this is Tutu! Mom bathed her once and I dried her up. We have no choice but to bath her because she is smelly -.-
On my Christmas eve, I went to a BBQ party that is held in Shyong's house.
Only one picture taken.
Bought this handmade white chocolate Snowman from Gourmet BSC, and it taste awful. Too sweet -.- Good to look, hard to eat.
Then I had my turkey few days after Xmas at Cherating Steak House. Served in big portion! I took this picture when it is half eaten =)
This is dairy chocolate puiyen and puiwen bought from us from UK. See how temptive it looks. Just cant wait to put every pieces into my mouth.
One of the highlights during my semester break is gatherings with my primary schoolmates!!!!
The first time is at my house. There are 42 of us in 6S SJK Pei Chai. About 20 of us attended!
Here I list out the attendants.
Chin Fei, Samuel, Steven, Je Wei, Viang Wing, Khang Hern, Han Long, Yik Xiang, Voon Voon, Woey Yen, Ying Yun, Sze Ying, Jin Tong, Yee Chan, Joanne and I !
2nd time is at Old Town, on Xmas eve's eve! Sharon, Sue Ann, Xiao Yun, Harn Wei and Khang Xian joined us.
This gathering is special because after that we went to our class teacher's house to visit her, and we visit her at 12am!
I must thank chin fei here, he is so determined to visit her as he spent the entire night try to get her contact number and her home address. So until he got her house number, it is already 12am.
As a proof that we've been there, we took a picture in her house. Wonder why she is not in the photo? Our dear teacher is in her pyjamas, so she ended up as our photographer!!!
In our memories, she is strict and fierce. After 8 years, she did not change. Not her hairstyle, her voice, and no visible wrinkles on her face. The only thing different is now the tone she talks to us is much friendly and relax ;)
3rd is at Ice Station, this time we have melissa & jiyan who is studying in Australia joined us!
Sadly the rest can't join us. Some are in oversea, some have exams and some have more important things to do ;)
Nehmind, we'll sure gather again after few years!
On mid December, went to help my juniors, Xue Hai Xue Ji!
The happiest thing is junee, add ice and qin yan is back and we get to talk talk and gossip about a lot of stuff! And oh! We gathered at TC McD at about 4am and reach Taman Gelora at 5.30am.
I was quite surprised there are quite a numbers of healthy Kuantan citizen jogging, walking, or dancing as early as 5am! It is not even dawn yet!
When I was amazed by their determination, I sense guilt. At 5am, while people have already starting their day by exercising, breathing fresh air, back into my home, I have not sleep yet. I have not end my previous day. I am still in front of my laptop watching movies. And I wonder when I can change my unhealthy lifestyle.
A photo taken from the station that I was in-charged!
The next day, part of us gathered in Old Town again. =)5 of us who is from 16th Jie took one photo! We had tonnes of wonderful memories in Xue Hai, and shall remember it forever.
Harn Wei's holiday is on December too! So one activity we must do is mahjong.
Dont worry, we play mahjong for fun, not for gamble. No cash involved ;)
Beside mahjong, harn wei and I also went out for a few times for tea.
LOL, there's a lot more things between harn wei and I, not just mahjong.
And melissa cheng came back from Australia! She was in Kuantan for 4 days. So 541, voon voon and I has been going out with her everyday. We've been missing her so much, so we just cannot miss this precious chances of going out with her.
Some work-out sessions.
When I am back, mom served me very well. 3 meals a days, plus tea time and supper! I gained about 5kg. And I think I'll be heavier than this figure without these exercise.
Swimmed when the weather is fine and not raining. When it is raining, I went to the gym.
To my parents, exercise is VERY important because it keeps me in healthy and fit state. But the exercise are not done frequently so my parents got upset and disappointed with me.
I said I am not in the mood.
They replied me in a firm tone : exercise should be done frequently and constantly is not what you do according to your mood, it is about your discipline and how you value yourself, if you do not know how to take care of yourself, how are we going to trust you in other things?
Sorry papa mama, I am still on my way to learn to discipline myself. *bullshit!*
Here's my pictures!hee hah hoooh!
Small milestone
1 year ago
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