
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Some updates

Hey there, is a week since my last post. xD

Went back to Kuantan last thursday. Now im back in KL.

Everyday is raining and the weather is so cool. Winter of Kuantan.
It is damn comfy to sleep in fine raining days!
It is raining before I sleep, and when I woke up naturally on the noon, it is still pouring mildly outside there.
I love light raining without thunder and storm.

Clouds forms in the hills nearby my house. Grasses and trees around are in bright green. The wind blows by is cool, temperature is low, birds chirp after the rain stops. Sun shines gently and it doesn't hurt my eyes. Everything is lovely and beautiful. I don't feel like I am in Malaysia. At least it is not the hot and sunny Malaysia.

The only thing imperfect in monsoon season is, our laundry doesn't dry even though it was hung on rack for 2 days. Have to put it in the drying machine. And that cost a lot of electricity.

I managed to meet up with some form6 school mates - Wei Yie, Lai Sim, Chiao Yi, Harn Wei & Wei Hong. They are the the one who came back early.
The following night I played mj at best mahjong kaki, Harn Wei's house with wei hong. And Chiao Yi was there too, sitting beside me. She brought luck to me!!! I almost won every round for the whole night. Muahahaha.

Seriously, I am glad that my semester break is same with theirs that is on December! A lot of my friends' holiday is on December! Yay! Since everyone of us goes to University, we hardly met. Some more my msn doesn't works well when I am in KL, only facebook connects us. Technically it connects because we get to update their news which they want us to know. As we do not share EVERYTHING on facebook, so practically, we are not connecting as we do not know what actually happens on others. Meeting up, calling up or chatting live in msn works best.

I found out xue ying plays 3-kaki mahjong too. Hmm, if sometime we are very free and wanted to play mah jong, may sit together and calling out 'pong!' 'sek!'

On Monday, Mom drove me back to KL and stayed one night. My 'wai po' came too.
Didn't have much time to shop. Only bought a purple cardigan in Zara.
They are coming again in December and that time Year End Sales is already started! Hope to get good bargains!

This semester break I won't be working. Little Loe wants to stay in Kuantan and spend more time with friends, family and pets.

Dear melissa cheng is coming back for a very short period -4 days and after that she have to go to US xD I won't miss out this four days.

Writing this post at 5.50am, can't sleep because I have been sleeping on the daytime.

What keeps me awake is, my mind is full of my rabbit - baby law. I can't stop missing her and thinking about the time at the end of her life. How careless am I for not noticing she isn't active and lying deadly around. I was busy with STPM until I neglect my baby law's life. I am so regret. Very, very regret. I blame it all to myself.

Oh, I finished reading Time Traveler's Wife. Hmm, I would give 5 out of 10. I love the plot but I dislike how it ends. I dislike, I hate it! Why?!

I mean, Henry is an odd one. He time-traveled! How come he died like this, in a random way. Should he died someway unique too? And he died way too early and again, left Clare in this world, waiting for him to reappears like she did in her childhood day.
But still, I recommend this book to all of you. As this romance story is different than other love stories. It is all about true love. As an example, Clare love to make love but she will only do it with her love of the life, Henry. Not doing with anyone just to satisfy her physically desires. Lol. Does it proves that Clare truly love Henry?

I watched the movie version too. Hmm, they tried to follow the book and magically, some of the lines are same in the book! But they left out Kimmy & Ingrid. Should include them in the movie, and touch more on Henry's dad and Clare's mom. =D

My Macroeconomic final is on 1st December. And that's the end of my second semester.
It is abit fast. Too fast.

Speaking of my college life, I've joined a few clubs in school and FrequenC & YEC does expand my social circle and knowledge. Honestly, I learned a lot in both clubs even though I am more active in the previous one.

Year 2010 of mine will begins with my 3rd semester of first year. And I should prepare it well as it will be the busiest and perhaps, hardest semester. With subjects that I am not so familiar- business law, marketing, statistic? Nah, I managed to pass my accounting which I have not touch it before my degree so I guess it will all goes well.

AmourPour, yes, blogshop of The Es, is going well and we are doing a great job. Glad to see friends around are supporting and we will continue to bring more and more chio stuff for your wardrobe!

See? That is my life. Simple. You can see it is almost the same. It is meaningful but
I hope it could be more exciting and memorable. Is time to save money and visit the world.

Bye! Want any photos...?


Baby Lilo stood on the pot plate and she looks like an egg. CUTE! The plate is for vases but this one is for Lilo!

UPDATES! Clicked on the advertisment of Watson in my blog, and I am excited with their Xmas Promo! A lot of merchandise of Winnie the Pooh coming up!

2 friends commented:

JingHan said...

Lilo is cute.
isit ur only rabbit?

e Loe said...

She was the second one but since the eldest passed away a year ago, now she is the dai kah jie!! She is a super cleanaholic, I never see her dirty before. Good rabbit!