Sunday, October 11, 2009

Facebook Photo Uploader turned me down!

I am sooo sicked of uploading photos to Facebook.

Since last week I was trying to upload my photos taken during my birthday dinner and other dinners. All failed.

Firstly I tried to use the advanced upload method which controlled by Java. It tooks ages to upload until the very last photo, a window popped-up and it written there
"Failed uploading photo. Pls try again."
W.T.F ?
Try again?
That is hundred of photos! pfffffft. After failing for 2 times, I surrender. I used the simpler upload method. By the time I selected 5 photos (One by one -.-), clicked "UPLOAD", it linked me to an error page which tell me the page that helps me to upload my photos is not available.

I tried again.
Yet, it failed.

Can u imagine how frustrated I am now?
This is soooo sickening.

I am going to try again tomorrow, if it fails again, I am going to write a report to Facebook.

oh ya, I am now in Kuantan.

2 friends commented:

mk said...

hey, if you're using chrome to upload on facebook, guaranteed it won't work lah. try using IE to upload. apparently chrome still hasn't worked a way out for facebook uploader. so, i always switch to use IE when I'm uploading.

good luck uploading! lol

-XinYi- said...

hey loe..i faced the same problems too..I took 5 hours to upload my photos for GN yesterday using Mozila Fireox wtf.Friends only took around 2 minutes to update 60++ photos.OMFG.It's sickening.i feel you.