The weekend before my finals, my parents was here, and brother too. They're here to attend AIA Dinner.
They put a night at One World Hotel then the other one at my hostel. RM50 per night. Damn cheap right?
Since parents had to leave for the dinner, brother can't be left in the room alone. So me and my baby sister are assigned to accompny our baby brother. Headed to One-U straight away after my law lecture and was lucky enough to have sis's friend fetching us there! And one more lucky thing is :: No traffic jam! We went there at about 5.15pm. As long as I remembered, the way from my hostel to One-U will be super jam and packed during peak hours. I was worried about this because we planned to go by taxi.
The dinner's title is FASHIONISTA, and from the leaflet I was told that they're expected to dress like the runway models. What I saw is ladies are in elegant formal dresses, and guys are in coats, only few young people followed the theme. Well, majority are in middle-age, most of the time in office wears, how 'fashionista' could they be?
People who brought me to the world!

Sis took this, mom looking tall here!
Me & Mom before she go inside the ball room.
Kie and mom.
Leng ma.
After sending my parents in, we brought our brother to One-U and had dinner at Italiannies.
The roasted chicken was good but not the risotto. To my dismay, tasted like diluted porridge and should be serve to sick ones. I was expecting something delicious.
After hours of walking around, trapped and annoyed few times by the Etika salesmen, went into few jeans shop hoping to find a suitable jeans for my brother, he saw one in Zara man and really likes it, but didn't buy it because we need mom's advice, then we went some accessories shop to look around, bought a bracelet, and we're bored, very bored.
Then kie suggested to go Delicious for some dessert and we all agreed because we don't want to walk anymore.
Ordered a Sundae for 3 of us! I got myself a Jasmine Green Tea.
The next day, brother took a cab to my hostel as parents were in seminar (their lunch break got free flow of beers eh! So damn nice!! As chung jing said : AIA treats their employee very well! )
Brought him to Sushi Zanmai for dinner, glad that he likes there, then off we gwent for another round of shopping. We was about to buy that jeans for him but too bad, Zara MidValley doesn't have that one! He was really disappointed.
Walked around aimlessly again.
Parents then came to meet us, mom's face was red as she took alcohol after the seminar. And both of them looked exhausted and tired.
Next day, headed to Jalan Bukit Bintang and had Bah Kut Teh under Lot10.
The soup is denser and taste thicker than what I usually eat. Not bad though.
Pavilion is where we went after that. Bro finally got his jeans and dad bought a top for me.
Daddy I love you, you're the guy I love the most. No one beats u ;)
Beautiful flowers mom gave us. I think she got it from the hotel. It is fresh ;)
So yea, I was expected to study hard for finals but I spent lots of time with them, and spent only one hour per day. The timing was bad. ><
Lastly, when I take a picture of myself, it'll look like this ::
If my mom takes herself ::
hehehe, no means of teasing my mom, just for fun ;)
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