Since I have posted all the photos in facebook so I better blog it here now. The penang one will blog bout it later :)
On monday night 8.03.10 which coincidentally is Women's Day, me and my course mates had a outing after mid-term. We didn't do it right after exam because most of us are not free (Sorry Phoebe, I missed your birthday celebration) and I went back to Kuantan that weekend.
Let me introduce them first as this is the first time all of them appear here ;)
They are girls and guys which I did my mid-term study group with them. I know this bunch of cool friends during my first semester, and till now, we're still hanging out together.
All of us come to HELP alone without gang-gang, and A-HA, we formed a group ourselves.
This pic taken in Mont Kiara McD. We purposely go all the way there to study for 2 days continuously.
Phoebe had been asking us for Korean BBQ months ago but we didn't make it because we all have our things to do! Some wanna go back hometown lah, some have dates lah, some have to work lah, all sorts of reasons!
I'm always a Japanese food lover and supporter. Korean food? Nah, not at all.
But Phoebe and Teresa convinced me that Korean BBQ are like normal BBQ is just the method and material used is different.
Finally we decided the best time to go for this Korean BBQ is right after our mid-term, because after mid-term, there's quiz, there's assignments and then finals -.-
On monday night, 10 of us, 8 girls 2 boys visited
Bon-Ga (in chinese, 本家) is strategically located in Solaris, Mont Kiara. It is rated by our Korean friends that this restaurant is the best in town.
I forgot to take the pictures of their logo and their interior design. Their interior is not as alluring as what we've seen in commercialized korean bbq restaurant but it did brings out the feel of Korean restaurant.
Ochard yellow woods, no chairs but cushions, an empty lower space in the center and a tall table.
So I'll start talking with the food lah.
The appetizers is certainly Kim Chi, as you can see, we're served with few choices of kim-chi. In my memory I used to hate kim-chi.
When I was small I visited Korean and everything eatable there is not eatable to me, and I had a maid that knows how to make kim chi because she served a korean family, made horrible kim chi.
But this shop had changed all my judgement.
I took some with chopsticks, nyom nyom nyom, *eye blinging*, shout out loud :"Ehhh! Nice eh!"
Kim Chi ARE tasty (good appetizer too!) !There are cucumber, ikan bilis, cabbage and some unknowns.
Seaweeds -------
P/S Su san and Catherine, finished all the kim chis in front of them and order more! They said because it is tasty but I think they are too hungry because the meat and soup is not ready yet!
Right after the waiter served us all the kimchis, he brought this to our table and I thought it is salad. A very unattractive salad.
Phoebe then told me it is to cook the soup.Alright, soup. The waiter then come to cook for us.
Oh ya, worth to be mentioned here, their service is FAB!
They'll do what we demand them!
Soup is ready! At the moment he opened the lid, omg, I smell something reaaaal good.
I got impatient while he is serving them into bowls, finally it came in front of me with steam, hot and fresh.
I took a deep breathe and the first sip.
And on the spot I told them :"OMG, this is one of the tastiest soup I have ever had in my life, probably the most tasty!!" I'm like in heaven!!!!!!!!!
I'm short of vocab to describe it so you must come and try!
I 'bottom-up' the soup, focus on the taste regardless what others were doing around me.
Look at my dear teresa, she is pampered by the soup too!
Everyone gave this soup a thumb-up! *clapsssssssssss*
Next, raw marinated pork ribs to be cooked.
Cooking, colour turned from maroon to brown.
Almost done, waiter cut it in to slices.
Lettuce is provided to wrap the meat. Very familiar to me as my mom is Hakka, eating meat wrapped in lettuce is one of their eating culture.
It is out of our expectation as it is beyond! My my, look at it, so juicylicious!!! Jealous not? Please tell me you wanna eat it now! Please tell me now you hope that you can materialize it like Cyril!
Oh, before you chew it, put it on your lips and suck out all the gravy, let it pass through your tongue to shower your taste buds, and swallow it. You're in heaven again.
That taste, has now become what I crave for whenever I am hungry.
No one is free to talk after the meat is ready. All I heard is the clinging sound of chopsticks and spoon, and the muching sound of everyone.
Next one is again, pork, only this isn't marinate. Is fresh pork meat. MUAHAHAHA.
Compared to the previous one, this wasn't fascinating but still it was tasty.
After all the meats, Phik Tee, Teresa & I took the remain lettuce and fried it on the pan with sesame oil, salt, onion, kim chi sauce while other enjoyed watching us doin that. They thought we're just playing who knows we ate it. Aiyoh, don't wanna waste mah.
End of the heavenly luscious, delicious and mouthwatering food!!!!!
Now is time for pichas of human being.
This is Su San, she is my classmate. I rarely join her in class or group study but she is very friendly to us! Im glad that she joined us that night! I like her courage when she is admiring someone. ;) ;
Me, Jiun How, Teresa, Phik Tee, Jasmine & Su San were the first few that reach there.
So what we can do while waiting? - Take photos.
So what ee loe did besides taking photos? - Play jiun how's PSP.I scored A in DJMax eh! So easy to score! I hope I can do that in exam too. Boohoooo =')
Finally the rest of my dinner accompany arrived but I ignored their entrance as I was too excited of playing it. Cannot stop. If stop will failed.
Stop playing after they started to complain, =(, then I gave it back to Jiun How, unwillingly.
Jasmine, Ee Loe & Jiun How. Jiun How is the most hardworking dude I've ever met.
I like this one better, taken by Xiao Xiao E.I know phei e needs translate of the chinese word in this photo. It means :"Jie Jie, you're so pretty!"
Jasmine and I look alike, she's way more beautiful and I like her.
4 cameras were brought out that night so the camera owner were busy taking pictures all the night. Take here take there, till they don't know what to capture anymore, they take each other :
Me biting the juicylicious meat.
We can definitely see Jiun How's satisfaction from the picture.

8 of us.

Should be 10 in total, Jack was the photograper and my very dear Teresa were busy paparazing us behind the screen. Don't even bother to join us.

It was a convivial dinner and everyone enjoyed it very much. ;)
One last thing, I am grateful for having them when I was new in college as they are very helpful. We all helped each other got through many things.

P/S : Reetha, if you're reading this, you never know how nice it would be if you're here too. But I know u don't eat pork, so we'll go other places ya!
2 friends commented:
yum korean bbq! i also want. hehe :)
aw! joan, next time if u come to kL i'll bring u there okay! U'll love it!
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