I found a book beside my mom's bed, "100 uses of bicarbonate of soda."
As for as I've concerned on this soda, it is only be used in bakery. Nothing else. Something to make the cake fluffy and spongy.
It's usage covers from head to toe, and from indoor to outdoor!
Why it is so magnificent one! It even can treat gastric! Well I am not having gastric so I can't try that on myself, and I am not sure whether it is safe to drink or not.
I gone through the whole book with a pooh note book and a pen on my hand, non-stop jotting down what can I do with it in my room.
You know, since I move in to 1601, literally I hold the responsibilities to keep this tiny room clean and odour-less. No more kakak and mommy to clean for me ;(
Cleaning the room needs a lot of cleaning agent, and that cost ALOT!
Especially the air freshener to be placed on my shoe rack -.-
About ten ringgit for one and it only last for one month.
I need something real cheap to solve all the problems.
But if I buy something cheap, sure it contains a lot of chemical. That time it'll be very harmful to me and the environment!
I'll die of cancer or inhaling poisonous air before I graduate from here (choi!).
Thank god I found this magical thingy. It is totally harmless to the environment and human! Superb good news to me!
Some more, it is CHEAP and highly AVAILABLE. It is also the best ABSORBENT in the world!
I'll tell you how I use it in my room.
1. To absorb bad odour.
You know there's always unpleasant smell on our shoe racks because of the dirts we brought in and our sweats. In my room, the shoe rack is just one meters away from where I sleep. So, yeah, cannot sleep with that stink smell.
What I do with this soda is, I wrapped it nicely into few sachets, and place it in my sport shoe and around the shoe rack. The next day, *poof* the shoes have no odour! And it works well with my sis's heels!
If your room smells and humid caused by the dampness, put some soda in open container and place it at every corner in your room to absorb the moist and smells!
One thing I really HATE about vacuum beside the noise is the smell it ejected out behind it. Well the book taught me to vacuum some soda bicarbonate, and voila, the next day I vacuum,the smell disappear utterly!
After we vomit, the gross smell stays in the room for a moment right? This thing works best to neutralize vomit odour!
See how good it is for absorbent??
Besides that, it is odourless, perfectly suits my situation where I am sensitive to certain fragrance.
Throw away all your air freshener (unless you want fragrance in the air),and start using this now!
Make it into little sachet (instead of sprinkle them around) and place it into your cupboards, below your bed, shoe racks, or even carpet.
The easiest way to make a sachet is to wrap it in tissues.
Oh, dont simple sprinkle them on your carpet because some says it will decolourized your carpet. Try it on little corner so that it won't ruined your lovely carpet ;)
2. To neutralize the septic tank.
Okay for this I didn't get to see the result. I didn't go to the gross tank to measure the acidity.
According to the book and some online research, put some bicarbonate of soda into your toilet bowl and flush it.
Like I said just now, it is alkaline. So it can neutralize your shits and pees in the septic tank, which is very good for the environment.
I don't know whether it works or not, I do that often, hoping to help the environment ;)
3. Exfoliator
Face exfoliator! 2 teaspoon + few drops of water to make it a slimy paste.
To be frank, I only exfoliates my face with it once and my face is soooooo smooth and rejuvenate! Results is the same like the products we bought from cosmetic department!
But girls, unless you are super confident with it. Do not try it k? I also tried it for one time. Personally, I didn't trust it too much because I don't know what will happen on my face if I use it in long term. Some more it is pure soda without adding anything to make it milder.
Especially girls who have sensitive skins. Never never never try to do it. If you did, anything negative happens on you, don't blame me!
Anyway, a lot of people use that as face exfoliator and it works well on them. They just love it and constantly using it. Well, I guess it depends.
4. Cleaning agents
Mad love to use soda to clean dirts and rust in my toilet. I have phobia on dirty toilet.
Friends who know me well know that I rarely use toilet outside my house unless it is very clean or I am in desperate. So toilet in my room must look clean.
Again I make it into paste, use it with brush and brush off the dirts around the sink, the walls and toilet bowl! The toilet bowl shines after I clean it!
See?? It is so useful and you can just save the money for buying cleaning agent!
5. To prevent cockroaches - kazat - lipas.
When I go back to kuantan, I'll be away from my room for few days. Who knows the lipas will crawl into my room from the toilet. My sis will freaked out if she sees any lipas and I don't dare to catch them too.
Every time before I go back, I'll sprinkle some on any water holes. So far, no lipas appears in my room yet.
There's ants in my room but they come in from the small crack beside the air-cond so this doesn't count.
Alright! That is how I uses it.
As for other uses.
- Fire extinguisher - prepare some around your kitchen or car porch. It puts out fire immediately because it is non-flammable.
- Polishing - It can polish stainless steel or iron. Isn't it a way for you to remove those nasty dirt on your kitchen utensils? In your microwave, your oven, your pots and etc.
- Teeth whitener - make paste with it and brush! Gotta try this but I sked it'll hurts my gums.
- Stomach reliever / cure gastric - as I said just now, it is alkaline, so it reduces the acidity in your stomach. Won't corrode your stomach and makes you painful. Note that don't use to much at a time. We have to keep the acidity level in our stomach all the time. If not how our stomach goin to digest food for us?
- Remove stain - accidentally poured something on your carpet and afraid that the stain wont goes off? No worries! Immediately sprinkle some bicarbonate of soda on it, the amount that is enough to cover the whole stain, leave it for one hours and vacuum it!
- Soothes your feet - Soak your feet into warm water + few teaspoon after a long exhausting, tiring day and feel relieve and relax. And when I look into the ingredients of the product from Origins my mom uses to soak her feet, the main ingredients is this!
Add some salt into the water if you want to. Oh, it exfoliates all the dead skin on your foot too ;) - Bites, stings and itching - apply the paste to reduces the itchiness! And for baby's nappy rash, apply some into the water while you bath the baby. ;)
- Bath - Add some into your bath water, and after bathing, your skin is extra soft and silky
Of course, there's many many many many more usage! Google it!
Guess how much giant selling for 100gm of bicarbonate of soda?
Very very very very cheap right?
And 100gm is sufficient for any usages I mentioned up there.
heeheehee. I feeling joy right now because I am sharing something REAL GOOD.

3 friends commented:
wow , really dat great ?gonna buy some to polish my white macbook because we know white stuff will look yellow ish when it become dirty ...
and my teeth is also yellow , i dunnp why =.=
where can i buy ?
act ur mami use dat for ?
Jie, for the polish thing right? Im not sure whether it works or not coz I hvt try it before. But some says it works oh. As for the teeth, try it on one teeth and sees whether it'll hurts your gum or not.
Usually can be found with the bakery stuff one.
Coz this soda bicarbonate can cleans a lot of kitchen utensils, so my mom buy the book to refer see where she can cleans it. and also to absorb weird smell in the cupboard!
I might go to find this magically cool stuff when I need to go Giant to help out with my Carlsberg team ;)
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