In late midnight yesterday I was reading news about severe natural disasters, Typhoon Morakot that swept southern Taiwan last week and caused nasty flood.
As clicking and browsing through blogs and websites, I’m glad that the nation is now whole-heartedly doing rescue job, evacuate survivors, donate money, goods and materials, manage dead bodies, set up temporary home for victims, take care of their health condition, and plan for the relocation.
One website caught my full attention; I read a heart-breaking news.
Few animal shelters are flooded, animals, mostly dogs and cats are unable to escape from it because all of them are closed in cages, died tragically. 

On the air was a very joyful song of Gary Chaw. I sat there, mood not affected by the song, totally speechless and grieving sadly in my heart.
Imagine their situation when floods attack. Struggling hard to escape but cage is locked and secured! How could they break out and run away?! Imagine them howling, shrieking miserably, struggling, hoping to the max there is someone here to help.
But no one is there to release them.
Water level is increasing and finally covered them. No more air, just water fulfilling the air. They choked, breathed and suck in water.
In few seconds, they are motionless; all animal in cages lost their lives.
These animal shelters are set up with good purposes to protect them, provide them a better life and free from suffer. But in contrast, they lost their lives in there.
According to a blogger who is also a volunteer there, the scene of accident is terrible and dreadful, dead animal bodies in cages are everywhere. She didn’t mention much about that because she doesn’t wants to affect the moods of her readers.
But I think you and I can imagine how pathetic it is.I continue to search more related news. Found a lot of charity websites, reported quite big number of animals survived but they are badly hurt. I wanted to make donation to them but I don’t know how since the account is Taiwan. Tomorrow I am going to search for more resource of how to donate money to them. Since I am so far away, cannot help them physically, can only help them by donate money =(
Don't be curious why I didn’t respond much to last year China’s earthquake. Reported there is no dead animal bodies are found. I feel abit relieved after reading the report, the situation is bad enough as so many people died. No animal is dead, mainly because animals in SiChuan are not caged and free to move around, and animal’s natural instinct sensed the disaster is coming and they manage to escape.
I pity human victims and sympathies them, yet, I feel more for animals.
One reason, animals are helpless. Not saying human is deserved to suffer from natural disaster. Is just animals are more innocent and they seriously need human’s concern.
As we are all children of mother Earth, and humans are granted with smart brains, we should offer more help to other kinds. They need us.
I also came across website about SiChuan earthquake, now they are in progress of redeveloping. Victims are relocated and back to their normal lives with memories of the dead one.
Natural disaster is so horrible, I always feel blissful for living in Malaysia.
Sorry for being emotional. Here I pray hard for victims, wish them best, hope they can recover and heal fast from its aftermath.
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