Excitement of meeting the new rabbit brought me to take a early bus back to Kuantan on Friday morning.
Im sleeping madly in the bus. Lack of sleeping because of mid-term, I slept around 5am everyday and woke up at 8.30am.
4 days sounds long right? But it passed very fast!
*Shooof* like wind blew by.
Mum picked me up from the bus station, the first thing I asked her is about BitBit.
Yes, BitBit is now the official name of the new rabbit.
Ee Kie can't think a proper name, so I suggest we double up the "bit" in the word Rabbit. And nobody oppose, just feel the name is weird.
Regardless the laundry packed in my luggage which should be done on friday, I rushed to BitBit cage to look at her when I reach home.
Aaah, finally.. after days of waiting, I get to touch her!
She was sleeping but I woke her up.
Her tiny size and also her silly moves made me smiles.
Know what? The way I look at her is similiar to the way a mother look at her new born baby.
I hold her up tenderly and our story starts here!
Afternoon, I released her to the field but have to separate her from lilo and tutu.
Looking at 3 of them on the grass, it reminds me the moment when tutu joined the family, and that time, ah law is still alive. She is still healthy and happy, actively chasing tutu around.
Now, BitBit is here, but ah law is in her grave, deeply burried in our garden.
Coincidently, BitBit loves to hang out above the grave.
I say she is combination of AhLaw, Lilo and Tutu.
First, she has the white stripe on her head which AhLaw has.
2ndly, her white patches is same as Lilo
3rdly, her colour and fluffiness is same as Tutu.
I brought BitBit into my room, and surprisingly we discovered that she is as BIG as Eekie's zebra!!
I took the soft toy and placed beside her to take photo.
Im not satisfied, so I relocate the zebra above BitBit!
Yeah! this time I am satisfied because BitBit is scared and she dare not to move AT ALL.
BitBit : ='( *Help me pls, I dont want fluffy and stripey babies!!*

So, introduction of BitBit ends here.
I am sharing my happiness and excitement with my rabbits with you all, hope u can feel it!
I wanted to bring her back to KL so much.
Keep her in my room and enjoy her accompaniment!!
But that is impossible. Strict rules in hostel, lack of space and no grass for her to eat. And I will not be around always to take care of her.
Better let her stay in kuantan, ee kie and mommy will take good care of her right?
Some more she has tutu and lilo to play with =D
2 friends commented:
wow.. cute rabbits :D
Thanks! She is growing bigger now!
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