In less than 6 hour I will be sitting in the exam hall doing my first account paper.
I promised my dad that I will score well in mid-term because it is my choice to leave science stream to do business and hence I have to show some result to him to prove that I made the right choice.
To be frank, I am so stressed.
Although the test is just a mid-term test and only few chapters are coming out.
At mid-term I am behaving like this, what about final? I am going to freak out.
Nobody loves stress, stress is forcing me to do something abnormal and my body is responding to it. Firstly, I can't sleep, it maybe caused by stress or the coffee I drank just now to keep me awake. Then, my mind is thinking about snacks all the time, I am not hungry, but I eat a lot just to keep my mind away from the fact that mid-term is here. I finished half pack of Cornflakes in few minutes.
I have friends around who stress themselves a lot, non-stop study, revise and doing past year questions. They don't even want to go out and take a nice proper meal at the restaurant, quick-take-away dinner are preferred.
On contrary, I also have friends that are sooo relax (include me I guess), as if the mid-term is next month or next year. I enjoy my lunch and dinner so much and each meal takes nearly an hour. After meal, I will chit chat and crap with Reetha and Carrick for half an hour, then only I start my work. Super relax right? Or those I think is calm and ease because they have studied and prepared well? Mid-term is just a small quizzes for them, no last minute study is required.
Not sure what kind of people I am. In between the stressed and relax I guess.
I used to be a last minute people and totally not serious towards my study.
I was the one who gave up in a subject, tried my best to study it but keeping the "I don't understand this at all" statement in my mind, refuse to get familiar with it, although friends are trying her best to explain the answer, but I can't digest it, at last, scored a lousy grade for it.
I told myself I mustn't do it again. No, not again. I don't want to be the old Ee Loe.
So far, I haven't surrender to any subject, still a very good friend with all of the subjects.
This is just my first sem. Everything is basic.
Is it because subjects in business is easy (compared to science subjects), or my revise-everday plan worked?
Colourful pen helps ALOT in jotting notes.
Actually I've already started to use it during form6, learned it from harnwei and yunchian, however, I found it really useful in this year. Hah, just want to mention again, form6 is very comfortable to me.
Friends and school activities are memorable than time I struggled with studies.
I want to get a nice grades so much! Mainly because I don't want to disappoint my parents!
They put hopes on me, paying so much for the course, hoping my future is bright and affirmed.
So it is my responsible to study well!
This should make a good reason why I am stressing myself right?
Hope tomorrow my brain won't goes blank when I open to test paper.
Small milestone
1 year ago
1 friends commented:
add oil....laisim
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