Oh well...............
I was writing a long post of why I prefer the blogger app on iPod touch than HTC desire and this app decided to CRASH AND NO DRAFT IS SAVED.
Apparently, there's no auto saving and users have to click 'Save' at the top left corner.
Crashing or force close prob rarely happens on my HTC Desire (*waving to all Android user!*)
Very good job iPod touch. I praise you and you don't like it huh? So u decided to annoy me by crashing?!
The risk of losing a long written post without the ability to save a draft is much worse than not able to control the size of photo ( I WAS WRITING A POST OF HOW NICE BLOGGER ON IPOD TOUCH CAN ADJUST THE SIZE of PHOTO ON IPOD) like the one I posted!
On Android, it allows you to control the location of the images (not the size!), size of font, bold, italic & strike using HTML.
Still think blogging with pc is the best. BUT IM SO LAZY TO TRANSFER PHOTO TO PC AND BLOG WITH IT. Sigh.
Now both devices have different advantages. iPod touch was the winner but no longer eligible after it crashed! No winners now. Great.
Wrote this post while I'm doing cost accounting revision in the middle of the night. Took a break, did some web surfing on app store and found blogger. Quickly downloaded it and explored. Wanted to praise it but it showed me the drawback immediately. STUPID BUG!
*Notification : the chat box is back in my blog! Say hi if you drop by!
Still, if u wanna leave a comment, do it under each post because that can be kept as long as blogger exist. If you leave it under chatbox, it will lost when I remove it when it is spammed.
Small milestone
1 year ago
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