The theme of the concert is songs from movie of different eras. I was chosen to be in the group of 80s.
As the former Vice President, I spent every minute I can right after my last final paper until my Beijing trip to practice and involve with the preparation of this concert. I was in charge of every group's practice and that's how my time was packed.
The greatest challenge I faced is the lack of experience on organizing a music show.
"What should I do? What to start with? WHAT's WHAT!! HOW HOW!!!"
Talk is easy but to walk the talk is hard.
I was screaming and freaking out from the deep of my heart. I'm worried about the concert more than my exam because this is real, we got respond right on the spot, and ticket sales omg is it gonna cover the cost????!
I wouldn't have done it all without Vivian. She's like my mom, guiding me and solved all the problems.
Next is the inability of some performer to contribute their time for practice. Lack of practice will not give out a great show. And our audience will know for sure.
Next on challenge is the problems of musician. Firstly, helpful instrumentalist were not able to participate in this concert. So we have to dig out ppl from non-frequenC members. It takes alot of effort to look around who is able to do it in few weeks time. And we are still short of it. Secondly, the chords and flow of the song! Oh god this is tricky as we all are not professional and gotta fix it on our own.
On that day itself, there's a big challenge is how everyone will perform on stage in front of the audience. Stage fright, that's the term. Will everyone show their best? Even for me, my heart was pounding fast on stage. I couldn't speak more nor interact with the audience, all I can do is finish my task quietly. I prayed sooooo hard that everything will go with the flow!
There's some minor fault and it may not make the show perfect but I'm totally satisfied with the outcome. I mean, we're made up of amateurs.
NONE OF US MAJOR IN MUSIC! NONE OF US ARE PRO SINGER. We're studying nothing related to music (business! psychology! engineering! mass comm!). As mentioned earlier, don't expect something professional.
Ok I'm a lil bit sorry to the audience because I've heard the best one during practice.
What made this more awesome is the grow of friendship between members. Everyone gets to know what everyone has to give. The bond is much stronger now.
After the concert, most of us had this gathering at Ali Maju.
At that moment, I started to feel the emptiness. I used to think about this event every night before I sleep, and at that moment I said to myself : hey, i dont have to think about it anymore..can just chuck myself into bed and sleep.
But hey....that means I gotta start prepare to further studies at Australia. And, my last performance with them =(
Thank you so much jasmine milton phei yee melvin yee chern chiao yi shen yee melvin and max for coming to the show. Your support is much appreciated.
"Know how to play an instrument? Love to sing? and would like to gain some experience on stage? Please check out a special music club in HELP, FrequenC where there's a stage for you and me. Originally from psychology department and has now expanded to the entire college. Don't tell me you have stage fright, our stage will always be friendly and you'll start from a small one. Take note on our audition sessions or feel free to contact president Vivian Chuah anytime to join this interesting club! It'll be something remarkable in your university life."Posted this on few college pages and I'm very confident that it'll do something to you as long as you are doing something to FrequenC. The commitment and contribution will pay. Just like me, what I earned is the experience and friends that money can't buy. And the preciousness of gathering everyone with the same passion to do something together.
Sincerely wish all these talented voice will reach a further and bigger stage!
This is the blog entry of the concert
Last but not least, click THIS for the playlist on YouTube.
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