Hey yoooo. I spent my last weekend at home and I did so many things!
First of all, let's welcome this two little birdie who accidentaly fell off from the tree and lucky enough to met my mom. She's the saviour. My mom always have huge compassion towards animal so how could she leave this two baby birds alone. I remember receiving her call one night, she asked me to search online on how to feed a baby bird. I was in a middle of something, told her don't think to much and hung up. Since then she never mention the birds and I totally forgot about it.
Until I got home, she carried a basket into the house and said :"Meet the new members, koo-koo!"
There's a cover on the basket, when she opened it I saw two small fluffy birds in there!
" SO Cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! " That came out of my amusement.
First day mom found them, she placed them back on the tree, hoping the mother bird will come back to them. She observed for the whole day but see nothing. That night it rained heavily, she couldn't sleep but worried. At last she went out in the middle of the night and save this two little bird back into my house. That moment since, she is their mom.
When I met this two birds, my dad was beside me and he said :" Didn't you realize that lately your mom didn't call u as frequent as she did?"
Haha, her mind was all on the birds and how to make them live! Vulnerable little things, don't know how to eat and fly yet. She feel that she total responsible to them.
She feed them 4 meals everyday, personally. How she feed them is recorded in the video.
She has to hold their beaks so that they'll open their mouth and eat the food.
If u just place the food in front of them, they won't eat one. -.- And only my mom able to feed them. They won't bother or even feel excited when I'm around.
The food are special one, to be soaked in water so that it is soft enough for baby birds.
At night, it's cold outside, mom brings the basket into the kitchen for warmth. There's a yellow dimmed light beside the basket. I have no idea where she got that from. Back to the nest, it is colourful. First layer is napkin in purple, and second layer is red. Mom called it their pampers.
My dad assisted her a lot in saving the birds. My heart went 'Awwww' when I saw both of them dealing with the birds. Is like seeing them attending a baby like how they treated us when we are young.
My dad likes to play with them, my mom talks to them. They hope that when they are able to fly around, they'll always come back home and sing to them
They named them 大咕 & 小咕. Da Koo & Xiao Koo. Comes from Cuckoo.
The day I came back to KL, Da Koo can fly for a short distance and it can recognize their nest! But for Xiao Koo, I think the leg is broken because it fell off from the nest on the ground. Both can open and spread the wings but for Xiao Koo, it can't move around like how Da Koo does.
All the best to them. I hope I can see them again when I'm back on next weekend!
Something cute to add on, each and everytime my mom or I feeding/playing with the birds, my baby Tutu will come around and stand up, trying to see what's going on! I guess she is jealous!!
So cute!
I took videos & photos!
That's Da Koo on my hand spreading it's wings!
When my mom feeds them =)
My love for animals are all from her =) It's in the blood.
Small milestone
1 year ago
1 friends commented:
Wow your house will really be lively with so many animals around!
Quite nice environment huh... :)
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