eniwei, i'll try to update a post every day, as a record of what's happening around me. Sigh after I changed the phone I don't take photos of myself because it's big to handle.
02 October 2010, I was still in the recovering period in Kuantan. Coincidently Rotary Club Metro Kuantan Diraja's Installation Night was held on that week. At first my parent don't really allow me to attend this dinner as I maybe exposed to more virus as my body was still weak.
As usual, members from sister clubs all over the world came to join us in this wonderful evening, and I had a good night too. Mainly because I met Dora, she was the president of Macau Rotary Club. And attending this dinner made me feel healthy, like a lively person instead of the pale-bloated ee loe back in the hospital.
Here are some photos taken by myself, and some grabbed from puiyen's album.

Friends from Macau ;)

the ladies

This band are from Philipines (if im not wrong)
and they entertained everyone!!!!

dad really likes the band. haha.
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