Friday, November 4, 2011


There's one really cool app from Apps Store changes my life - Instagram.

"It’s a fast, beautiful and fun way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures.
Snap a photo with your iPhone, choose a filter to transform the look and feel, That's the short introduction of this awesome FREE apps in the apps store!

I've been posting photos and here, I'll post up some of my favourite

 Photos are to be posted in a square size and there's a range of filters for you to choose, add it to your photos to change the feel and texture. That's really amazing. 

Filters work like magic you know, the photos you took may look very ordinary, totally nothing interesting, but if you add on filter, BAM, it'll become a photo that tells story!


 The problem with being the same place, always the same time is it makes your world smaller.
We NEED to go out to see the world and to broaden our horizon. And when you do, you see things differently and realize how little your problems are.

Instagram is a great platform for you to look around the world, and to see how a users see the world!
Explore the world from the photographer's point of view.

Since we're not able to travel across the world anytime we like, this satisfy our desire temporarily. And it always have tonnes of surprises awaiting.

There's still many of users that are underrated, and when I stumble across them, I feel like I found a treasure, and to tell them that they're good, I'll view all the photos and give 'like'.

I ain't a great photographer but I'd get excited when I see beautiful photos especially photos that tell stories.
See that's great about photo.
A photo tells a thousand words.

I post photos about everything, and of course, there are some users post photos with theme. It maybe about a pet, food, a city, themselves modelling, scenery, flowers and etc.

Unlike iPhone users that's able to snap, edit and share on the spot. I'm using an iPod touch, can't enjoy the convenience.

There's some controversy going on as alot of users shoot with real camera, then transfer it to iPhone and post it where Instagram holds the spirit of taking photos with iPhone.

It depends actually, to me, Instagram is a platform for users to view photos with high accessibility.
As the size is just a small square, photos with high resolution doesn't really show.

To me, Instagram opened the world to me.

What made it even great is you can also share it on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking site!

This post is to express my love to this application.
Iif you have one, go to the popular post, pick out your favourite, check out the users and start explore! One good way to see things that you like is search by the hashtag.
If you like dog, search by the keyword 'dog' and you'll find tens of thousand of adorable photos of dog ;)

1 friends commented:

Saqib Khatri said...

Superbly written article, if only all bloggers offered the same content as you, the internet would be a far better place.. buy instagram followers cheap